Vezi AE: Apocalypse Earth (2013) Film Online Tradus in limba Romana Fara Intrerupere
AE: Apocalypse Earth este un film SF de acțiune direct-pe-video produs de The Asylum. În rolurile principale interpretează actorii Adrian Paul și Richard Grieco. A fost lansat la 28 martie 2013 pe discuri Blu-ray și DVD.Filmul este realizat pentru a beneficia de pe urma apariției filmului de mare buget After Earth.
Set in the future, “AE” is about a group of people from Earth who leave during an alien attack. Their spacecraft, the Albert Einstein, ventures into space for another world. With some inhabitants safe in cryogenic sleep they are forced to crash land on a lush, green planet.
On the planet they encounter other humans who have been held as prisoners and the indigenous humanoid population that are coated in a white, mud like substance. A much greater threat comes from the “chameleons,” an invisible hunter that recalls “Predator.” These refugees from Earth are led by a military/security expert (Adrian Paul) and the craft’s wounded captain (Richard Grieco).
AE: Apocalypse Earth 2013
Apocalipsa pe Pamant 2013
Regizor: Thunder Levin
Scenarist: Thunder Levin
Genul: Actiune, SF
Actori: Adrian Paul, Bali Rodriguez, Richard Grieco
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